6-10 Chatham Street
TEAM: Bruce Hampton,
Jaedo Chung with Elton Hampton Architects
LOCATION: Worcester, MA
SIZE: 6 Floors, 24 Units, 37400 SF
CLIENT: Emengini
Educational Trust
YEAR: 2022

The Project at 6–10 Chatham Street, Worcester, MA, is a complete rehabilitation and historic restoration located in downtown Worcester. The project comprised 3 structures totaling approximately 37,400 square feet on 0.3 acres.

Built in 1892, 1915, and 1926, the three structures were first used as the YWCA sports and entertainment complex. The upper levels of the oldest structure, built in 1892, were demolished, with the lower podium converted to a parking space. The client requested converting the remaining historic structure into a 24-unit loft. The challenge of the project was in the interior.

Existing spatial components such as a swimming pool, gym, and bowling alley presented unique obstacles in converting them into functional residential floor plates. The team completed the project in 2022 after a comprehensive evaluation of the existing structure and close collaboration with the engineers.