October 2023

“We are delighted to announce that our affordable housing project located at 31 Tufts Street was selected as one of the top three finalists for the Green Building of the Year Award by BE+! This distinguished award aims to recognize exceptional green building projects....”

October 2023, Written by Teddy Slosberg with input from Katie Faulkner

“While researching West Work’s hotel conversion projects for transitional housing for the homeless, I found myself digging deep into the myriad of potential solutions for homelessness and how the hotel-to-housing model fits within that. For more information on this topic, I interviewed Juann Khoory, the chair of the Shelter and Homelessness Roundtable for the Boston Society of Architects. Juann works with architects to help organize talks around homelessness to educate the industry on the work being done within that field and how architects can help. When I asked Juann how the idea of converting hotels into housing came up, she told me that it arose out of necessity…”

November 22, 2023

“Understanding that the success of a deep energy retrofit (DER) depends on controlling costs, Highland Park Technologies (HPT), an affiliated R&D group of West Work, determined that the most-effective way to improve a building’s energy performance is to reduce the air leakage and increase the insulation of the building envelope....”

November 21, 2023

“West Work, together with office neighbor Stull + Lee, had a wonderful workshop with SIGA on building air tightness and moisture management....”

September 2023, Written by Teddy Slosberg with input from Bruce Hampton.

“Climate crisis management demands quick and multifaceted responses to ensure that what is built today does not contribute to the issues of the next century, and the buildings we already have can be repaired so that they cease their extraordinary energy consumption. In recent years, state and federal governments have added mechanisms to promote responsible and sustainable building practices. New buildings in Massachusetts must adhere to strict energy performance requirements to be approved for construction.”